Your career begins here!
CCAPP invites you to become a Certified Community Health Worker (CCHW)
Let’s Succeed Together!
With CCAPP, Career is Your Journey!

Why Register as an CCHW With CCAPP?
A Certified Community Health Worker (CCHW) is a trusted individual who contributes to improved health outcomes in the community. CCHWs serve the communities in which they reside or communities with which they may share ethnicity, language, socioeconomic status, or life experiences. The term “community health worker,” includes but is not limited to other titles such as outreach worker, patient navigator, and promotores de salud.
Community Health Worker (CHW) services are preventive health services, as defined in 42 CFR 440.130(c), to prevent disease, disability, and other health conditions or their progression; prolong life, and promote physical and mental health and efficiency. CHWs are trusted members of their community who help address chronic conditions, preventive health care needs, and health-related social needs. Community Health Workers may include Promotores, Community Health Representatives, Navigators, and other non-licensed public health workers, including Violence Prevention Professionals, with the qualifications specified in the Content outline & Standards manual.
The career ladder is designed to advance upward. It is not permissible to step down the ladder from any level.
Application Requirements
Letter from DHCS, County Authority, current CHW supervisor, or designee agency verifying prior CCHW Qualification. Please include any directives regarding limitations on the scope of practice. The letter must be on the official letterhead and include work experience as follows: One (1) year full-time or 2000 hours part-time volunteer or paid work/volunteer experience as a community health worker specific to the domains within the last three (3) years and has demonstrated skills and practical training in the areas described above, as determined by the supervisor. CCHWs must have lived experience that aligns with and provides a connection between the CHW and the community being served.
$150 for non-BHAP members and $50 for members. Renewal is $100 and $50 for BHAP members. This fee is non-refundable.
75 hours relevant to the domains within the last five years with a certificate of completion, including but not limited to any certificate issued by the State of California or a State designee, of a curricula that attests to demonstrated skills and/or practical training in the following areas: communication, interpersonal and relationship building, service coordination and navigation, capacity building, advocacy, education and facilitation, individual and community assessment, professional skills and conduct, outreach, evaluation and research, and basic knowledge in public health principles and social determinants of health, as determined by the supervising provider. Certificate programs shall also include field experience as a requirement.
60 hours of supervision obtained during the work/volunteer experience. The supervision must be specific to all the domains. CCHWs must be supervised by a community-based organization, local health jurisdiction, licensed provider, clinic, or hospital.
Official ID
Upload a copy of your official government ID, such as a driver’s license, passport ID, or State ID. This is a step in the application.