Get certified with CCAPP Credentialing and get an IC&RC international certificate included at one great price!
As a service to professionals holding reciprocal credentials, IC&RC provides international certificates for each of our credentials (Only for IC&RC reciprocal CADC II, III, LAADC, LAADC-S, CPRM II, CPRS, CS, CPS, CCJP).
With CCAPP you will receive a digital copy of your certification and a hard copy mailed to you at no charge. Displaying your certificate prominently and using the international acronym on professional materials can help you gain greater professional recognition. It also enhances your reputation in the profession and confirms your proficiency. Finally, an International Certificate for counselors (ICADC) is required by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) for recognition as a SAP.
- Internationally Certified Alcohol & Drug Counselor (ICADC)
- Internationally Certified Advanced Alcohol & Drug Counselor (ICAADC)
- Internationally Certified Clinical Supervisor (ICCS)
- Internationally Certified Criminal Justice Addictions Professional (ICCJP)
- Internationally Certified Prevention Specialist (ICPS)
- Internationally Certified Peer Recovery (ICPR)
International Certificates can be used by professionals to signify their international, reciprocal status. To be entitled to an International Certificate, professionals must first hold a valid, current, reciprocal-level credential or license through an IC&RC Member Board. International Certificates are tied directly to a professional’s certification or license with an IC&RC member board. They are not free-standing certificates. Professionals should contact their IC&RC Member Board to determine if their credential or license entitles them to an International Certificate. CCAPP Credentialing is the only IC&RC member board in California approved by DHCS!
Professionals interested in earning a reciprocal-level certification or license must do so through CCAPP Credentialing. For more information on certification or license requirements, please contact the IC&RC Member Board which has jurisdiction in the area where you live or work. Contact information for all IC&RC Member Boards can be found here.

Professionals that hold eligible certifications or licenses are able to transfer their credentials between jurisdictions that use IC&RC products.
IC&RC seeks to ease the stress of individuals needing to move their credential or license from one jurisdiction to another through its reciprocity process. Individuals holding a credential through an IC&RC member board may be eligible for reciprocity into other IC&RC Member Boards.
Boards may offer reciprocity to certified or licensed professionals in other jurisdictions and have the authority to set reciprocity requirements for entry to their jurisdiction. Not all certifications and licenses are eligible for reciprocity. It is vitally important that certified professionals investigate reciprocity prior to relocating to another jurisdiction, because it can be a very complicated process. It is recommended to reciprocate at least three months prior to a credential’s expiration.
Please note, IC&RC can only facilitate reciprocity from one IC&RC Member Board to another.
You can determine if your credential or license is eligible for reciprocity by reviewing the IC&RC Member Board profile for your jurisdiction on the Member Board directory. CCAPP Credentialing is the only IC&RC member board in California approved by DHCS.
Reciprocity Process
- Professional contacts the IC&RC Member Board in the jurisdiction to which s/he wants to relocate to learn about the requirements to reciprocate credential.
- Professional contacts current IC&RC Member Board for Reciprocity Application.
- Professional completes the application and returns it to current board with the appropriate fee.
- Current board verifies application and sends it to IC&RC.
- IC&RC approves the application, notifies the professional, and sends it to board in new location.
- New board contacts professional when the process is completed.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Can I reciprocate my credential to any IC&RC Member Board?
- When should I begin the reciprocity process – before I move into my new jurisdiction or after?
- Can I maintain my credential in more than one jurisdiction?
- If my credential has expired in my current jurisdiction, can I still reciprocate into a new jurisdiction?
- When I reciprocate to a new jurisdiction, will my current expiration date on my credential change?
- Can I be denied reciprocity into a new jurisdiction?
- How long will it take to hear about my reciprocity application after I send it my Member Board?
- If I hold a license rather than a certification from my jurisdiction and then reciprocate, will I receive a license from my new jurisdiction?
- What is the difference between certification and licensure?
- Is my NAADAC credential eligible for reciprocity with IC&RC boards?