Your career with CCAPP
Certified Peer Recovery Specialist
Let’s Succeed Together!
With CCAPP, Career is Your Journey!
Perfect Your Purpose!
Becoming a Certified Peer Recovery Specialist (PRS) with CCAPP not only grants employers and clients a profound understanding of your capabilities and experience but also opens doors to unparalleled professional recognition. This achievement speaks volumes about your unwavering commitment and dedication to fostering positive change and saving lives. With the CPRM credential, you broadcast your passion for making a difference and cement your place as a catalyst for transformative impact in the world.
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Initial Credential
Benefits of CCAPP’s Certified SUD Peer Recovery Specialist:
- Recognition of skills and competencies required to treat clients in any setting
- The security of knowing that you are on the path to the highest levels of peer certification in California
- The pride that comes with saying, “I’m a CCAPP PRS”
CCAPP Approved Schools
Before you enroll, purchase, or attend a class, make sure it is CCAPP approved! The following information can help you avoid any confusion or anxiety related to the school you attended, are attending, or are planning to attend!
Initial Credential Application Requirements
Initial Application
Complete all steps in our online electronic application system, called Certemy.
Peer Code of Conduct
Signed Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Certified Peer Recovery Support Specialists (CPRSS) or Certified Peer Recovery Mentor (CPRM) Code of Conduct. This is a step in the application.
Attest to lived experience
Attest to lived experience and in recovery from addiction. A letter of what recovery means to you. This is a step in the application.
CCAPP credentials do not include membership. You do not have to be a member, but if you are one, your membership must be current and valid for 2 years in a row before you can renew. If your membership isn’t current, you will have to pay the non-member price when it’s time to renew. See info on membership here.
Letter of Recommendation
Two letters of recommendation for certification, at least one of which must be professional. References must accompany. Upload these documents in your application.
Peer Training Certificate
45-hour peer training must be a Specific Peer Support training curriculum. See domain topics.
Experience Hours
Please have a supervisor/employer write a letter of professional verification on your behalf attesting to your 100 hours of supervised work and/or volunteer experience providing peer-to-peer recovery support services. Upload the letter in your application.
Application Fees & Discounts
- Stigma
- Social injustice issues relating to factors such as race, culture, sexual orientation, class, disability
- Protecting rights
- Advocacy strategies to support peers
- Influencing and negotiation
- Empowerment strategies
- Fostering self‐advocacy skills among persons served
- Concept of self‐determination and how to support it
Recovery Support
- Principles of recovery
Processes of recovery and change
Recovery capital
Developing recovery goals and plans
Triggers for mental health symptoms and abuse of substances
Medication (side effects, management)
Trauma-informed services
Person-centered principles and practices
Resource linkage/making referrals
Collaboration methods
Use of self-help groups and other recovery support services
Use of natural support systems
Crisis situations and strategies for intervention
- Establishing and terminating the peer relationship
Effective methods to tell personal recovery story
Building supportive relationships
- Inspiring hope
Group process and facilitation
Educational methods
Interpersonal communication principles and methods
Use of person-first language
Wellness planning
Teaching practical living skills, personal care, etc.
Recognizing and fostering resilience
Professional Responsibility
- Federal, state & other governing laws and regulations
Ethics, values and professional conduct/Codes of Conduct
Philosophy of peer support
Boundary issues
Using supervision/consultation
Six to Eight Weeks Application Processing Times
Application processing times can take six to eight weeks. All steps in an application must be submitted in full, must be complete, and must be accurate. An application is complete when every step has a green bubble. A green bubble with a white checkmark means CCAPP staff have verified and approved that step. Any step that is rejected will have a red bubble and must be corrected by the applicant. The processing time will be delayed and not resume until the applicant corrects the rejected step and re-submits all/any rejected steps.
Certemy User Tips
- Use one email account. If you need to change your email, see the information below.
- Don't use your work email. If you change jobs, it can be hard to access your Certemy account, especially if you forget your password. Changing your email is not easy and takes time. To avoid delays, use a personal email address.
- When starting a new application, don't use a different email if you already have a Certemy account. Use the same name, email, and password you used for your original application.
- To change your email or other profile details, you need to submit a request through the [Contact Us] section or tell CCAPP staff directly by phone or email.
- To reset your password, go to the Certemy login page and click the [Forgot password?] button.
- To change your name, go to your Certemy account and select the [profile details] link from the profile icon in the top right.
- Be careful with your spelling. Your documents will be printed based on the information you provide.
- If you need help, use our information request form.
The link below opens in Certemy. If this is your first time using Certemy, create a new account, otherwise, login to your existing account. Your application will be there waiting for you.
The link below will take you back to Certemy without creating a new application. Please login to your existing account to resume your application or check on its status.
Renewal Requirements
Renewal Application
Complete all steps in our online electronic application system, called Certemy (cert-eh-mee).
Peer Code of Conduct
Signed Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Certified Peer Recovery Support Specialists (CPRSS) or Certified Peer Recovery Mentor (CPRM) Code of Conduct. This is a step in the application.
CCAPP credentials do not include membership. You do not have to be a member, but if you are one, your membership must be current and valid for 2 years in a row before you can renew. If your membership isn’t current, you will have to pay the non-member price when it’s time to renew. See info on membership here.
Continuing Education
Completing 20 hours of CEUs (including six hours in ethics and confidentiality) from a CCAPP, BHAP, or ARCC education-approved provider. See important renewal information below.
Application Fees & Discounts
$10 Member | $50 Non-Member
*If the credential status has expired over 30 days, the applicant must complete all initial renewal requirements and submit with the above renewal fee plus a late fee of $29.
All fees are non-refundable
Important Renewal Information
Expired Credentials
If your renewal application was completed after your due date, you will be required to submit a letter to the CCAPP Credentialing Board, providing an explanation as to why your credential has lapsed. Please be sure that the letter includes a valid date and an original signature. Once composed, you can scan and attach it to an email to [email protected]. You may also mail the original copy of the letter to our Sacramento address if you do not have access to a scanner. Please mail the original letter to:
CCAPP Credentialing Board
PO Box 214127
Sacramento, CA 95821
Upon receiving your letter, you will be added to the Board’s calendar for review. They will review your information and make a decision before reaching out to you with instructions on moving forward. Please note that it is your responsibility to complete this letter as soon as possible and any delays on your part may slow down the processing of your renewal.
Renewal of Certification hours - Clarification
A total of 20 hours of continuing education is required every two years for most CCAPP peer credentials. These hours must include 20 continuing education hours, of which six must be in ethics. Continuing education hours must be earned through a CCAPP-approved provider with a current provider number.
I. Continuing Education (CE): CCAPP, NBHAP, or ARCC Providers of CE's (provider numbers are required, 40 hours minimum)
- Workshops/seminars: Counseling Skills Basic Courses, including at the Masters Level, may not be used for renewal. A minimum of 30 hours must be completed in workshops and seminars on counseling skills and must be given by approved providers with current CCAPP-approved provider numbers. It is the applicant's responsibility to make sure that the workshop has an approved provider number. All documentation must have the approved provider number and be in advanced alcohol/drug skills.
- Design/Implementation/Presentation of Alcohol/Drug Counseling Topics for an approved CCAPP provider number. (Document by submitting a letter from the administrator, supervisor, or coordinator of the activity starting date, type of activity, hours involved, outline of activities, sample brochures, handouts, and other educational materials.
- Initial oral training by Approved ICRC/AODA Supervisors. (Document by submitting a copy of the Certificate)
- Ethics: Six (6) hours of ethics, confidentiality, boundaries, diversity, inclusion, culture, equity, or LGBTQIA2+.
- Trainers receive 1 hour for preparation for each hour of training and each hour for presentation.
30-Day Application Processing Times
Application processing times can take up to 30 days. All steps in an application must be submitted in full, must be complete, and must be accurate. An application is complete when every step has a green bubble. A green bubble with a white checkmark means CCAPP staff have verified and approved that step. Any step that is rejected will have a red bubble and must be corrected by the applicant. The processing time will be delayed and not resume until the applicant corrects the rejected step and re-submits all/any rejected steps.
Certemy User Tips
- Use one email account. If you need to change your email, see the information below.
- Don't use your work email. If you change jobs, it can be hard to access your Certemy account, especially if you forget your password. Changing your email is not easy and takes time. To avoid delays, use a personal email address.
- When starting a new application, don't use a different email if you already have a Certemy account. Use the same name, email, and password you used for your original application.
- To change your email or other profile details, you need to submit a request through the [Contact Us] section or tell CCAPP staff directly by phone or email.
- To reset your password, go to the Certemy login page and click the [Forgot password?] button.
- To change your name, go to your Certemy account and select the [profile details] link from the profile icon in the top right.
- Be careful with your spelling. Your documents will be printed based on the information you provide.
- If you need help, use our information request form.
The link below opens the Certemy login page. Your renewal application is already there waiting for you.