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Get Certified

CCAPP invites you to become a

Certified Criminal Justice Addiction Professional (CCJP)

Addiction counseling with individuals in the criminal justice system is complex and complicated, and it requires specialized training. Substance abuse or mental health training alone doesn’t really prepare professionals for dealing with the interaction of addictive and criminal thinking. In addition to addiction counseling skills and theoretical understanding, Criminal Justice Addictions Professionals (CCJP) need an understanding of the criminal justice system and criminal thought patterns. Set yourself apart with CCAPP’s Certified Criminal Justice Professional certification. 

Requirements for applying for the CCJP Credential:

“I needed something to jump start my career and to lead me in new directions; exploring criminal justice careers while earning my CCJP certification with CCAPP was exactly what I needed. It’s great to know that CCAPP will stand behind me as my career horizons widen – CCAPP means quality wherever you find it!”

Do you want to get certified sooner?

Check out CCAPP’s terrific offerings of online classes.… they’re convenient, inexpensive and CCAPP-approved!

CCAPP approved, online classes

To receive Intern Status, Applicants must complete the following:

►270 hours of addiction-specific education (See Academic Content Area here)

►45 Hours in Criminal Justice Systems and 45 hours in Criminal Behavior/Criminal Thinking in addition to 270 AODA education taken at the college level.

►300 hour supervised practicum

►Passing score on the IC&RC Certified Criminal Justice Professional Exam

To Meet the IC&RC Qualifications and advance from Intern status, Applicants must meet one of the following:

►Education and experience* as follows:

1. High School/GED with 6,000 hours experience, or

2. AA/AS or Certified AODA Counselor (non IC&RC) with 5,000 hours experience, or

3. BA/BS or IC&RC Certified Reciprocal AODA Counselor with 4,000 hours experience, or

4. MA/MS or IC&RC Certified Supervisor AODA Counselor with 2000 hours experience, or

5. Above Masters Level or IC&RC Certified Advanced Counselor  with 1,000 hours experience 

*Work experience must be obtained within ten years of application and must be in direct services in criminal justice addiction services

Fees and Discounts

Portfolio Review CCJP

►$145 Member

►$265 Non-Member

Written Exam

►$164 Member

►$240 Non-Member


►$175 Member

►$645 Non-Member

►With CADC I/II $48

Benefits of CCAPP’s Certified Criminal Justice Addiction Professional Credential:

►Opportunity to demonstrate specialized skills

►Widely recognized as THE credential for criminal justice addiction professionals

►Reciprocity nationally and glabally

►The pride that comes with saying, “I’m a CCAPP CCJP!”

Click here to begin Certified Criminal Justice Addiction Professional Application

To apply for the CCJP using a paper application, please see our forms page for the most current application. Please note that any information entered in an incomplete online application will not be retrieved by staff to combine with a paper application. All applications must be submitted in entirety online or in hardcopy form. Hard copy applications must be complete. A re-review fee of $25 will be assessed for incomplete applications.