Specialize with CCAPP
CAPP invites you to become a Women’s Treatment Specialist (WTS)
Although you are still learning the skills that are important in your profession, becoming a Woman Treatment Specialist with CCAPP will give you a competitive advantage in securing internships, networking with future colleagues and finding the best job!
“I worked hard to get certified, and CCAPP Credentialing’s WTS Endorsement complements my certification by showcasing the specialized education, knowledge and experience I’ve achieved as an addiction professional.”
Do you want to get certified sooner?
Check out CCAPP’s terrific offerings of online classes.… they’re convenient, inexpensive and CCAPP-approved!
CCAPP approved, online classes
Requirements for applying for the Women’s Treatment Specialist Credential:
►Copy of current Certification (alcohol/drug, CCS, CCJP, CPS)
►Certificate of Completion for each training/course attended OR school transcripts. (The education received must be obtained by a CCAPP approved provider or school.) The candidate must show proof of education that includes: (1) Course Title; (2) Total Hours Completed; (3) Course Outline required for those submitting certificates only
►Letter from Agency employer or supervisor attesting to your number of hours of experience and the specialty services (specific to the endorsement) offered at the facility. To include a recommendation statement.
►Signed Code of Ethics
►Appropriate Application Fee
Fees and Discounts
►$10 Member
►$50 Non-Member
Benefits of CCAPP’s Women’s Treatment Specialist credential:
►Invitations to workshops and education seminars
►Recognition for specialized approaches for women
►Ability to mentor others in women’s treatment
►Wider employability and opportunity
►Pride that comes with saying, “I’m a CCAPP WTS!”
Welcome to our new, online certification system, Certemy. You will now be able to renew from your phone, laptop, desktop, or tablet with our new application platform. Please enjoy this new member benefit: easier access, timely notification of renewal steps, and real-time updates of your certification status. Should you already have filled out a hardcopy application, you may upload it to Certemy. Thank you for your patience. Once you click the below link, simply use the upload option to upload a scanned version of your hardcopy application. Thank you for your patience.
If you are having difficulties, creating a new account should be your last resort. Please contact us at [email protected] if you are having problems that you cannot resolve with these instructions.
Please fill in all required fields when you begin your application.
Be precise in your spelling: it is a lengthy process to change errors with user profiles.
Password resets are done through the Certemy login portal with the [Forgot password?] button.
Name changes are done in account by selecting the [profile details] link from the profile icon in the top right.
Email or other profile changes must either be submitted through our [Contact Us] section or relayed to CCAPP personnel directly through a phone call or direct email.
Certemy combines starting an application with account creation; however, you can assign yourself different applications without creating multiple accounts. You simply re-enter the exact same information you submitted for the original application you assigned yourself into the new application (name, email address, password) and the new application will be assigned to your existing account.
If you are a legacy user, we would prefer you use the same email you have used with CCAPP in the past.

Feel free to request more information using our
information request form.